Importance Role of Calcium for Children

Calcium and Your Child - KidsHealth, Calcium - KidsHealth, Importance Of Calcium For Kids - Cenovis
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The content of Calcium Benefits In Children And Adolescents - Calcium is one of the nutrients that are needed by the human body. But often the children rarely get adequate calcium intake. The research comes from "British Research Nutrition" states that the Indonesian people generally consume calcium content as much as 40% of total needs.Yet still the role of calcium was very big for its growth.As we all know that calcium is needed by children, because they still need calcium so that bones and teeth are also fast growing and healthy. Therefore, we have summarized some of the properties or benefits as well as the role of calcium for children and adolescents growing up. Here it is the importance of the role of calcium for children and adolescents:

7 Benefits of Calcium for BodyBone Growth Process

Bone Growth

- Bone is one part of the body that is 99% of its content is calcium.
So, in order that children's bones grow properly, then the nutrients calcium intake should be sufficient. In children who lack of calcium is generally characterized by a condition of his body limp, abdominal pain, sweating, muscle cramps, spasms, disturbed sleep and bone loss. Symptoms such as these will interfere with the growth of the child. It clearly shows that the importance of the role of calcium in the growth of the children.

- Calcium is a mineral that most quite numerous in the human body. Approximately 99% of calcium is contained in the hard tissues in the bones and teeth. 1% calcium present in the blood and soft tissues. Without the 1% of calcium, the body's metabolism will be disturbed children.

Prevents Bone Loss in the future Upcoming
- Bones can be regarded as a reserve calcium from the body. If the food eaten can not meet the needs of the body, then the body will take it from the bones. If something like this happened in a long time, then the bone will experience a loss. Children or teenagers that calcium needs are met very well, it will prevent bone loss in the future to come.

Calcium Create Optimizing Height
- Calcium is well known to have an important role in the growth of children or adolescents. Children and adolescents are calcium sufficiency will have a very optimal height. That is because calcium is the most important nutrient for bone growth.- That children can increase his height optimally, then eat foods containing high calcium. Source foods that have high calcium content is yogurt, milk, cheese, various grains, wheat various types of fish and also the type of vegetables. The types of foods that contain such high calcium when consumed regularly it will act as a natural improvement body for the children and adolescents.

Children intelligence
- The importance of the role of calcium for children is also very influential on her nerves. Without the presence of calcium, the nerves can not carry the message. The nervous system of the brain is very influential to the intelligence of the child. Ynag healthy nervous system can make the child quickly receive information.

The body's immune
- Children who lack calcium in the body usually easily lethargic, weak, often sweating, muscle cramps, abdominal pain, seizures until a sleep disorder. Calcium plays an important role in keeping the immune (immunity) child. Calcium can make the children do not get sick.

The process of blood clotting
- Children are often playing with the active, both indoors and outdoors. Opportunities also fell and injured children is very high. If the child is injured and bleeding, then the calcium acts as a blood clotting process so that if it falls bleeding at the wound would very quickly cease. Important in this regard for the child's adequate calcium intake.

With the information such as The content of Calcium Benefits In Children And Adolescents, may mothers who have a baby to get enough calcium in a way to serve healthy food menu.
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