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Gigi was also able to give effect to perfection, so we ought to maintain the cleanliness and health. But if it had happened a problem on the teeth, then you should immediately conduct a more intensive care. And even more so if the teeth have cavities accompanied by pain occasionally. Here are some tips on dental care with naturally:
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5 Tips Dental Care The Powerful Natural
1. Avoiding some foods- In the case of treating tooth cavities, we already know some foods that could actually trigger a recurrence of pain when you have one or several cavities. The type of food that is too hot or cold, and sweet or seasoned makana also highly concentrated example just like the food there santannya or otherwise. If you feel soreness or pain that are recurrent in the mouth and jaw area, then try to check the state of the tooth is by looking at the mirror (glass) the bathroom and makeup mirrors. If there are holes in your teeth, then immediately to avoid some types of foods that have been mentioned because it is a form of treatment in the cavities so that pain felt no more powerful than the one you are currently facing.
2. Brushing
- Other care tips is to improve the way in brushing teeth properly and regularly. Cavities may also be caused by your own oblivious to schedule brushing teeth at least 2x a day compulsory. Therefore, you should be diligent to brush your teeth to cavities do not extend to other teeth. And even, armpit pain of cavities can be prevented by brushing your teeth regularly. So, you make it a habit to brush your teeth properly and regularly every day during morning after breakfast and at night before you sleep.
3. Using a special toothpaste
- For dental cavities, usually recommended for wear special toothpaste for addressing the problem of tooth decay. Toothpaste specially for cleaning cavities usually contain a lot of calcium and also xylitol for email repair or part cavities and damaged. Use this method to regularly, at least as much as 2x the course of the day.
4. Gargling with salt water
- As painful cavities, and even swell the first aid that can be done to meringkan the pain is by gargling warm salt water wear. Salt water has been known to be anti-bacteria that may cause the tooth cavities or stricken with pain. The traditional way is quite powerful and easy to do by dissolving 1 sdk salt into a glass measuring 250cc warm water. You can also mix lemon juice squeezed into it in order to further streamline the traditional medicine.
5. Consuming calcium source
- Consuming a source of high calcium intake can to fix cavities. Step care cavities that this one can be a maximum when reached by intensive dental treatment. Consuming lots of high calcium food sources that can help and support internal improvements on your cavities. High calcium food sources such as eggs, milk and other calcium multivitamin.
That information from cavities Natural Treatments such. Still, you need to consult a dentist as often as possible even though you go through these steps, because the consultation you can know the condition of the cavities you. Thank you very much...
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